Equipping every fellow with adequate training to design, execute, present and publish an idea is a core objective of our fellowship program. We utilize multiple avenues to accomplish this objective.
Lecture Series and Conferences
- Monday afternoon lecture series: Formal didactic research training occurs as a part of a lecture series, orienting trainees on how to effectively design a research question, how to submit an application to the Institutional Review Board, responsible conduct of research, how to utilize resources within Washington University, among other topics.
- Research and Development Conference: A noon conference on Mondays brings together trainees, faculty and staff from different departments within Washington University who have a mutual interest in pulmonary research. Topics are diverse, relevant to basic, translational and clinical research, with speakers from within and outside Washington University. Fellows are encouraged to attend the conferences and also present at them in the latter part of their training.
- Lectureships: Fellows often have lunch with visiting, globally renowned faculty, who are enthusiastic about sharing their experiences with them, and getting to know the trainees better.
Research Retreats
- Fall: In the middle of the first year of fellowship, fellows have a retreat to meet with faculty who have volunteered to serve as potential mentors for their research projects.
- Spring: Pulmonary Research Day is a conference developed to showcase and promote pulmonary and critical care research at Washington University. As a part of this, fellows see what other trainees and junior faculty are working on, and what they have accomplished so they have a better sense of which mentor/group can best help them accomplish their overall career goals.
- Summer: At the end of the first year of fellowship, fellows have a retreat where they learn how to write a research proposal, and present their research idea succinctly to a larger audience.
Advisory Committee
Each fellow picks a primary research mentor, and has a program advisor who helps them navigate through fellowship to ultimately accomplish their career goals. Additional members may be added to the advisory committee based on the fellow’s overall interests and needs. The advisory committee meets every 6 months starting in the middle of the 2nd year of fellowship, through the completion of training, to guide the fellow move towards their goals.
Research Proposal
Every fellow is taught how to write a brief research proposal early in their 2nd year of fellowship. This proposal helps establish mentee-mentor relationships and expectations, and allows the trainee to be productive once they enter the research component of their training. The mentor and the program advisor play a key role in assisting the fellow with refining this proposal.
Research Talk
In the middle of the 2nd year of fellowship, prior to start of their research training, fellows present their proposal at a weekly joint Research and Development Conference where they receive feedback prior to starting their research time. Fellows present their updates to the group every 6-12 months during the remainder of their fellowship.
Research Poster
At the end of the 2nd year of fellowship and thereon, fellows are required to present their proposal and updates on their research for Pulmonary Research Day, which occurs in the spring every year. Fellows are taught how to write an abstract, and effectively communicate their data through posters.
International Conference Participation
Fellows are encouraged to attend at least one international conference from their 2nd year of fellowship and are provided with funds to do the same, regardless of whether they are presenting at the conference. Fellows are encouraged to submit abstracts to these conferences, and are taught how to do so as a part of their training.
Training Grant
Those interested in formal training and protected research time are encouraged to consider our NIH-funded T32 training program. View here for more details.
Other Resources in Washington University
Multiple faculty in the Division utilize other programs within Washington University to obtain funding, additional training, or to conduct certain aspects of their research. These include: